Wednesday 29 January 2014


Audience Question:
To improve on this question, the main thing I need to do is to explain my points a lot more. I can struggle with explaining things when writing it down but practising this may help me overcome this. Another thing to remember when answering this question, is to use media terms such as Uses and Gratifications and niche audiences. Also, creating case studies and using my own examples to back up my points in my answer will help me to improve on this.

Representation Question:
To improve on this question, explaining key points further is still something to work on. I know that I had got down the right points that I needed for this question but I didn't explain them enough to get me a good grade. At the time, I thought that I explained it fully but when I got my results back, it was completely a different story. This will be worked on as well as creating case studies to help back up my points. 

Revision & Study:
When revising for the mock exam, I didn't revise as much as I should have really done but I still revised a lot. To improve on this, I need to start creating revision material (such as mind maps, booklets and posters) to revise from, case studies to use as examples to back up my points, and to create a revision timetable so I can stick to it and revise for my media exam in May. 

There isn't much improvements to be made on the coursework I have produced. All I need to do is check my spelling and to look for anything that may need changing a bit. I also need to make sure that I have explained everything fully in my report.

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